Thursday, September 11, 2008 @ 12:41 AM
i just got back my exam results!!!
once again, God did above and beyond what i expected!

i know my whole blog will look disgusting after i post that picture, but i too happy to even care abt it!
hopefully you guys can see my grades. the lastest one is the one below and my GPA 3.53 is on top.
i am really glad and overjoyed because all i can say at the end of the day is that my God is the God of the impossible!
let me share with you my story...
for my HR subject, it is actually a PBL subject, problem based learning. which means, the grading system goes like 70% coursework & 30% exam. if you know, i am stronger in papers as compared to projects, thus, it is difficult.
i had my coursework 1, worked really really hard and my group overall got a C. you bet that i was disappointed and upset. i nearly gave up but still held on to work hard. coursework 2 we fair much better with an overall of B. i had my midsem test in between coursework 1 & 2, i scrape through with a B. like.. just nice a B kind of marks. i didnt understand why. cos i worked really hard for this subject. i just couldnt get my A.
then my teacher gave me my coursework grade, B. and she addded on saying those who got a B for coursework, its just low Bs. so its hard for those who get a B for coursework to get an A overall. i calculated with matt one day at the computer lab. i realised, i need to get almost full marks for my paper to get my an A overall for HR. he said, "its impossible!" at first i thought so.. but i chose to believe, "ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE TO HIM WHO BELIEVES!"
as days went by and i shared with a few people of how i am aiming to get full marks for my HR paper so i can get my A.. everyone told me,"it cant be done." some even laughed at my silliness. matt kept saying that i cant do it till i had to point my umbrella at him one day and asked him to shutup. but i chose not to give up.
during my study week, it was also the second week of my church 2 weeks morning prayer at HOG. waking up every morning its so tiring and i couldnt concentrate much in the afternoon cos i would be yawning away. i couldnt stay up late too. but i made a choice to go down and pray despite it all. my mum told me to stop going down in the morning and rest more at home, but i refused cos i believe, prayer will create my miracle! (yes, i need to put in the hardwork too!)
i prayed like mad.. i got my friends to pray for me.. i prayed everytime when i study..(like saying grace).. i really trusted in God that he must make the miracle for me! cos when people told me when i cant do it, i told them, my God will do the impossible for me! i was fearful at first.. thinking, what if i really couldnt get my A? like so malu.. but i prayed despite it all.. held on so tight to the verses like "nothing is impossible to him who believes.", "faith pleases God"
today as i got back my results, matt asked, so how did you do for HR?
i realised, I GOT AN A!
friends, indeed, my God works the impossible. PRAY and ask God for what you need. have faith that it will come to pass!
"my God shall supply all your needs according to His riches and glory in heaven"
confession is an act of faith. when i told people i will get my A.. no one believe.. but as long as you are willing to believe, he will move!
glory to glory, faith to faith.
my aim for NTU, GPA of 3.75! DHL by the end of year 2.
God, i thank you! its really not me, cos i aint smart, its really God that moved!
my gpa for this sem increased from a gpa of 3.42 to 3.53! though its not alot, but step by step.. i am closer to my dream!
God, i really really thank you for seeing my through! with all of my heart, i thank you!